Eventful day

Eventful day

As I shared on Sermons in Stones, I joined Mookie for an art workshop at our local library yesterday. I want to post photos of the notebook cover she made. I love her sense of design.

Front cover:

Back cover:

Then we went across to a gallery where we’d seen the exhibit separately and both liked the art. A jewelry pop-up was in progress; it was lovely stuff too. Right there and then, Mookie (who has been thinking about it off and on for years) said she wanted to get her ears pierced. I said, “You mean, today? Now?” We had just enough time, well, theoretically, before we had to leave for the church auction. She said yes, and an hour and a half later we were headed to the auction with these brand new accessories.

She didn’t even flinch. She says she works hard at that. As an outlet she just said a deeply-felt “Ow” after each one.

Holiday tradition

We have developed an annual tradition of reading The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming (Lemony Snicket, illustrations by Lisa Brown) aloud at Hanukah, even though it is subtitled “A Christmas Story.” This is the first year that Mookie was solely responsible for the reading. She read with great flair for a crowd, and showed us the pictures and cued us to scream “AAAAAAAAAH!” at the right times. Even The Donald was rapt.






Photos: Pam Gehrke. Thank you, Pam!

A note to the Tooth Fairy

2014 05 13 toothMookie lost her first tooth today. She couldn’t find the special tooth pillow Bubbe gave her for this occasion (luckily, she’ll have 19 more chances), but popped it into a plastic bag and carefully taped this note onto it:

Dear Tooth-fairy,

Look inside, were my tooth is, and, then please take it right back. But please just don’t forget to give something


Love, [Mookie]

Originally it said “But don’t forget to give something BACK,” and she clearly thought better of her tone, used the ever-handy caret, and added the “please just.”