Required family fun

It’s the time of year when a few brave Christians dare to express themselves in this society where they are an embattled minority, unable even to openly celebrate their festivals without fear. /sarcasm

Mookie is pretty happy spending time with us, for a sixteen-year-old. But sometimes we drag her along to something that we want to do, and that was the case this evening, when we took a map “The 415 Guy” (that’s what he calls himself) made of notable Christmas displays, and drove around looking at a bunch of them. It was fun. I think even Mookie had fun, though mostly she did some kind of linguistic world-building on her phone in the back seat. (At one point, Joy said, “You’re pretty quiet back there, M.” Mookie said, “Witty remark.”) At the one display that inspired us to actually get out of the car and walk around, she was willing to get out as well. Nativity with reindeer included, penguins riding on a polar bear (I wonder whether it was the penguins or the bear who made the 12,000 mile migration), several snowmen . . . it was quite the mix. But fun in an OTT way. The last leg took us through the neighborhood of St. Francis Wood, where the houses are huge, the grounds all look kept by professional gardeners, and those who put an inflatable on their property are probably visited by armed members of the Upperclass Taste Police. Sure enough, Mookie observed that all the lights there seemed to be white. The jokes, they write themselves.

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